zondag 22 augustus 2010

Summer decorating (part one)

Summer goes by so quickly I do hope we get an indian summer though!
Anyway I finally got round to paint my livingroom white. A job I had been putting off for a few years. But now I am very pleased with it and it invites me to find new things to put on the wall.
Here a picture of my small hall which opens up to the living room.

My sitting corner with pictures of the brilliant balletdancer Sylvie Guillem on the wall. The table belonged once to my mother. I painted it black for a dramatic effect. The bamboo chair was also painted by me and my mom made a cushion for it.
Sorry for the dark picture, but this is the view from my bedroom. I love the smell of lavendel!
This is the dining area. I received the table from a dad's friend, the chairs I got from my dad. At the back a painting my parents gave me when they got divorced.
Some plants at the window and I love the Laura Ashley lamp. If you look carefully my curtains are actually blankets from IKEA.
I painted the kitchenwalls applegreen/ limegreen. In real life the colour looks better. It goes so well with the white kitchen. Basilicum and strawberries still going strong. The mintleaves are very small this year.
I will put some pictures of my bathroom, toilet and the study in a future blog. Oh and a view from my balcony!

donderdag 19 augustus 2010

Suomi - Finland

As they say in Finland. Just back from one of my two native countries. I took the first picture when working on my tan at one of the beaches around Helsinki. I couldn't agree more. Sorry for all you Greece - fans, but for me it is way too hot in the summer, too touristic and too crowded.
The Finnish flag makes me emotional it means so much to me. Nature, trees, lakes, berries, blue skies and the sea.
Here I am enjoying the view on one of the thousand little islands around Helsinki. The sky is thick with smoke from Russian bushfires, you could even smell it, scary! Islandhopping on a little motorboat is just the max!
Nature is everywhere present and this horse reminded me of the fun I had as a teenager horsebackriding...
This little sparrow caught my attention with her little 'tjelp' how cute is that???!!!
Funny shadow of "Mannerheim" against Kiasma, the museum of modern art , the spell of the night!
Helsinki has a very distinctive architecture. I loooove to walk the streets up and down and marvel at the visioners who gave the city its look!
This picture is the summum of all Finland is to me in the summer; silence, nature, solitude, sun, fresh air, and lovely wooden houses.
As I lived my childhood years in Finland I do not see the place with the eyes of a tourist, to me it is ... home! Heippa!

zondag 1 augustus 2010

sing singer!

I bought my very own sewing machine in the sales, a SINGER!
Now I am not depending on my mother's machine. I'll be able to sit in front of my singer when ever I feel like it ! The introduction was shortenign a long coat I have from Laura Ashley, veeeeeeery beautiful but a bit unpractical as it was ancle length.
So I put scissors in it and I let my new singer sing and voilà I have a nice practical jacket and two pieces of funky material to work with. Yes, I can!

zaterdag 31 juli 2010

summer update!

Granny squares, I'm hooked! I would like to crochet ANYwhere and ANYplace! Does someone know if you are allowed to crochet on the plane? Or is the hook considered a dangerous item? On Tuesday I'm leaving for 2 weeks to Finland, YES!!! Crocheting up high in the sky seems the max :-) oh the picture is of G squares for my pillow which is stained for ever by my darling nephew of 2and a half years!
My scarf with joyous colours is going strong. I do want to wrap it twice around my neck though, so still some knitting to do!
Hurray, my second attempt at growing an avocado plant seems to go well, will I have a green mini plant once back from Finland? Don't you just loooooove Alys Fowler with her avocado Alys? See youtube!She has definitely inspired me in more ways than gardening, I would love to have her wardrobe!!!
On the balcony (also a second try ) growing my own herbs seems promising. There is definitely something green arising from the dark soil in the left container(?) at the front are my sunflowers and at the back strawberries, which were delicious in my soyghurt! Oh did you notice the cutest watering can ever?! I looooooooooove summer YES I do!
ciao bellas!

zaterdag 24 juli 2010

a hot little red gem

I went to my local florist to get some soil and saw this little darling (not so little!) on a shelf all by herself!
The hot red pepper just cried out to me "rescue me, I want to come and live at your place"
I almost peed my pants with excitement and took the treasure home.
A grin from ear to ear I gave her a master place in my living room. Only to realize I do not have a pot big enough to put her in... Oh well, this means a second trip to the florist :D
I cannot eat hot food (tummy doesn't agree with me), but I have guests coming over, my brother and his wife they looooooooove the stuff. I cannot wait to see their faces when picking the red peppers and preparing a hot gazpacho maybe?! I'll keep you updated!

ps: I hope I can keep her alive until then... I still have to find my green fingers...


donderdag 22 juli 2010

Dear diary!


I'm back at last! Haven't forgotten about my blog nor other projects, somehow time just has passed with other stuff.
When I stopped to think about WHY I started a blog in the first place, it occurred to me I wanted to replace my diary.
My first ever diary was at the age of 9. My mother gave it to me as we left Finland for wider spaces and she wanted me to record our journey. What a brilliant idea !
Somewhat in awe I started on this huge yet exciting task writing our little or bigger adventures down.
My mother, me and my little brother left Finland forgood on 14th december 1977.
We headed to La Palma first, sun, sea and lovely food. After a week holidaying we flew to Barcelona and stayed in a lovely hacienda with tiny salamanders and later in a hotel down town.

In the foyer I was mystified by an exceptionally elegant older lady, very classy, very stylish, very chique, she made such an impression on me.
Everytime I saw her I would secretly observe her, the way she lit her cigarette holded between her skinny long fingers. How she closed her lips around her cigarette like it was something fragile. Then she blew the smoke very elegantly between her lips away without disturbing anyone else with her smoke. She fascinated me. The way she moved, the way she talked, the way she walked...
What struck me most was the look of loneliness she had over her. Everything about her shouted money and style, yet her eyes were lonely. Her smile was lonely. Solitude was what she breathed. I had mixed feelings. I would have liked to talk to her, I tried to make contact once like children do and I received a tired smile. But neither of us spoke each others language and that was that. I often wonder what has happened to her?

Back to my diary. After Barcelona we went by bus to Andorra where we stayed in a hotel and afterwards we lived in a chalet for 3 months or something.
Good memories of lazy days me wondering on the mountains, being followed by goats (favorite animals btw) playing games with my mom and brother, reading, going in the sauna, snow, ...
I wrote lots of stuff down. I even wrote my first "novel" :-)
Then we left for our final destination and ... I lost my little bag with my diary (and novel) in it ... I forgot it somewhere on a train? in a cab? ...
The devastation is still imprinted on my soul. I had grown to love it!
So over the years I 've written dozens of diaries. But as I have moved more than a dozen times in my live I haven't been able to keep them.
Around the millenium I started to make my "visionboard" collage on the front pages and last year it looked like this, see top picture. On new years day I cut out pictures and words out of magazines about things I would like to achieve that coming year. I make a collage and everytime I open my diary I am remembered of my goals and intentions.
It is funny how some of the items do materialize and some don't or later.
And now my intention is to make out of my blog a very public "diary " with thoughts and beliefs, adventures and pictures, trials and successes...
What kind of relation do you have with blogging or writing a diary?
kristina xo

woensdag 16 juni 2010

Herbs and sunflowers


Mu mum bought me these starter kits (organic!) to grow my own herbs and sunflowers on my balcony!Bless her :-)
So I took them out and planted and watered the seeds ... I'm curious when I'll see something growing?! I also wonder if there is enough sun for the sunflowers? I've got sunlight only in the early morning hours at this side of my apartment.
Alys Fowler is my great inspiration at trying my hands at growing my own herbs. I love her books, they are so easy to read. I'm a novice on this department yet she makes it all very easy to understand. My earlier encounters with gardening books has been one of discouragement, once they start to talk the talk they have lost me.
So cool Alys makes it all very amusing and fun.
And now I wait with excitement :D